Brookstone Iconvert Hand-scanner User Manual

Having one of each is a very desirable choice. Flatbed scanners arethe best and most versatile choice for photo prints and documents, andthey dominate the market now. Older choices included sheet-feederscanners with page rollers, still seen in some low-end multi-function(fax) units. Hand-held scanners have vanished, the results were not sogood. A good digital camera with a closeup lens may be a better handheldscanner (tripod recommended).

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Hand-scannerBrookstone iconvert hand-scanner user manual softwareManual

The flatbed can scan pages while still attached in the book ormagazine, and it can scan portions of documents larger than the scannerbed (like maps). Most scan 8.5 x 11.7 inches (including metric A4 size).A few handle 14 inch legal size documents, and a few are A3 size with a12x17 inch bed. The table space required is the only disadvantage of aflatbed. The big advantage of a flatbed is that the original laysmotionless on the glass bed, it won't move between preview andscan, and there is no risk from any feed rollers. Some have an ADF option(Automatic Document Feeder, for documents, not for photo prints), andsome have a Transparent Media Adapter option (TMA) for scanning film oreven old glass negatives. However, flatbeds just can't do the tiny 35 mmfilm size well due to insufficient resolution, and inexpensive scannersdon't have the dynamic range to do film well.

Brookstone Iconvert Hand-scanner User Manual Free

A film scanner is extremely desirable for 35 mm film (seemore about film scanners). Film is the firstgeneration original, and the best results come from the original film.The 35 mm film scanners generally provide 2700 to 4000 dpi. 2700 dpiallows printing 8x10 inch prints (9x enlargement of 35 mm film), and 4000dpi allows even larger prints. There are several 35 mm scanners ofvarious prices, but only three for medium size film, and there are threefor 4x5 inch film. A high quality flatbed with TMA can also be used forlarger film. The top end units have advantage of sufficient dynamic rangefor scanning film in a critical way. Your goal may allow accepting less,but dynamic range is an extremely important feature for scanning slides,the more the better (but see more about dynamicrange). Scanning negatives has lesser equipment requirements thanslides.