If you want to read a file on your Kindle Paperwhite that’s in an unsupported file type, you can install software on your computer that can read different file types and then convert those files to Kindle-compatible formats. A few such options are
The orbit of the planet Venus is nearly circular with an orbital velocity of 126.5 × 10 3 km/h. Knowing that the mean distance from the center of the sun to the center of Venus is 108 × 10 6 km and that the radius of the sun is 695.5 × 10 3 km, determine (a) the mass of the sun, (b) the acceleration of gravity at the surface of the sun. The model should be: DP75SDI Not DP755DI Update : 300 ppi is DP75SDI. I think you didnt see the S clearly but since im still young I can lol. Kindle Paperwhite 3rd Generation.
calibre: Available for PC or Mac, calibre can convert e-books in a host of formats, including CBZ, CBR, CBC, CHM, EPUB, FB2, HTML, LIT, LRF, MOBI, ODT, PDF, PRC, PDB, PML, RB, RTF, SNB, TCR, and TXT. The calibre program can convert these e-books to various formats including the Kindle-compatible MOBI format.
Mobipocket Creator: Available only for PCs, Mobipocket Creator can convert e-books from DOC, TXT, and PDF files to Kindle-compatible MOBI format.
These tools are free and can be used to take content in a wide variety of formats and convert it into Mobipocket (MOBI) files. The converted MOBI files are compatible with your Kindle Paperwhite and can be transferred to your Kindle via USB.
If you want to allow documents to be sent from anyone from a particular domain, don’t include a username. For example, adding @mycompany.com authorizes anyone with an e-mail address matching that domain name to send documents to your Kindle Paperwhite.
However, you are responsible for any charges for documents sent from those e-mail addresses via Whispernet to your Kindle Paperwhite. Transferring files via Wi-Fi is free. If you set the maximum charge for Whispernet Delivery over 3G to $0, personal documents will be sent only via Wi-Fi even if you have 3G. You can make this change in the Personal Documents Settings.
When you know your Kindle Paperwhite’s e-mail address and you’ve added your personal e-mail address to the Approved Personal Document E-Mail List, transferring files is simple:
Open your e-mail program or your e-mail web page. Log on to your account, if necessary.
Create a new message. In the To text box, enter the e-mail address of your Kindle Paperwhite.
Attach the document you want to transfer to your Kindle Paperwhite.
There’s no need to specify a subject or to provide text in the body of the message. Amazon recommends that each personal document be no larger than 50MB.
You can send multiple files at once by attaching more than one file to the e-mail. You can also compress multiple files into a Zip file and then attach the Zip file to the e-mail.
Click Send.
If you’re connected in a Wi-Fi area (or with 3G for Kindle Paperwhites so enabled), you receive the converted file on your Kindle Paperwhite in about five minutes. Very large files can take longer to convert and receive.
When you send personal documents to your Kindle Paperwhite, they’re stored automatically in your Kindle Library at Amazon. You can store up to 5 gigabytes of personal documents in the archive.
If you’re sending a PDF file and would like to take advantage of features on the Kindle Paperwhite, such as changing font size and making notes, convert the file to Kindle format (AZW) by typing CONVERT in the subject line of your message.
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