Matrikon Opc Simulation Server User Manual

On Linux, open the terminal and navigate to the installation folder (default folder is opt/prosys-opc-ua-simulation-server) and use the command sudo./uninstall On macOS you can just remove the application from the /Applications folder. Simulation, Finite State Machine Figure 13: Screenshot of the OPC Server and the OPC Explorer interfaces. 30 to end-user interaction, transfer of files or manual entering data from one application into another Matrikon Inc., a Honeywell International subsidiary.

Install the OPC Foundation Core Components

OPC DA and HDA use the “OPC Classic” technologies, which employ Microsoft DCOM standards. DCOM is used for client-server communication, and for managing security of the connections through standard Microsoft security permissions on DCOM objects. To use OPC Classic capabilities with OPC Toolbox, you must configure your computer and possibly the server computer to allow for this communication.

Matrikonopc server

Matrikon Opc Explorer Free Download

The OPC Foundation provides a set of tools for browsing other computers on your network for OPC servers, and for communicating with the OPC servers. These tools are called the OPC Foundation Core Components, and are shipped with OPC Toolbox software.

To install the OPC Foundation Core Components, use the opcregister function. You can also use the opcregister function to remove or repair the OPC Foundation Core Components installation.

Installing, repairing, and removing the OPC Foundation CoreComponents follows the same steps:

Matrikon Opc Simulation Server Manual


Matrikonopc Server

  1. Ifyou are repairing or removing the OPC Foundation Core Components,make sure that you do not have any OPC Toolbox objects in memory.Use the opcreset function to clear all objectsfrom memory.

  2. Run opcregister withthe action you would like to perform. If you do not supply an option,the function assumes that you want to install thecomponents. Otherwise, use 'repair' to repair aninstallation (reinstall the files), or 'remove' to remove thecomponents.

  3. You will be prompted to type Yes toconfirm the action you want to perform. You must type Yes exactlyas shown, without any quotes. This confirmation question is used toensure that you acknowledge the action that is about to take place.

  4. The OPC Foundation Core Componentswill be installed, repaired, or removed from your system.

  5. If you receive a warning about havingto reboot your computer, you must quit MATLAB and restart yourcomputer for the changes to take effect.