Yamaha Psr-260 Manual Download


View and Download Yamaha PortaTone PSR-260 owner's manual online. Yamaha Portatone Owner's Manual. PortaTone PSR-260 Electronic Keyboard pdf manual download. Also for: Portatone psr-160, Portatone psr-262.

Yamaha Psr 260 Price

Aug 07, 2009
Sheet Music Stand
Music Stands generally are supplied in two styles, Plastic Panel or Rod. When they are not readily available from manufacturers, you might consider making a simple one yourself from 3/16” diameter Iron or Copper Rod, or have a local workshop custom make one.
Your Keyboard has either two support Slots or two support Holes into which the Stand fits. The 3/16” diameter of this proposed Stand should fit into either type of Keyboard support aperture.
The Rod used should be approximately 29” long, including a 14” Top and two 71/2” Arms. (71/2” from each end of the Rod make bends to form a straight-topped “U”).
About 1” from the Rod ends, bend them backwards about 30 degrees in the same direction. This will eventually produce the incline for the Sheet Music. As an option, a 2” Ledge can be epoxied to the front at the point just above the bends.
Before rushing into “production” visualize, read and clearly understand these instructions. Good luck!